` Our company | República Administradora de Fondos de Inversión S.A.

Nuestra empresa

Our company

We are the first Financial Trust Company in Uruguay, created in December 2003. We are authorized by the Central Bank of Uruguay to engage in management and administration of Private and Public Financial Trusts, as well as Investment Funds.

From its inception, the Company has stood out as a leader in the fiduciary market, through the creation of innovative financial solutions. The Company is a part of the BROU Conglomerate, and its shares are 100% owned by the Bank of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.


To provide fiduciary services, through trusts or investment funds, for the management of assets as well as for the structuring, development and financing of projects, supporting our clients in achieving their objectives.


To be a leading trust company which is capable of creating innovative structures and which, integrated into the BROU Conglomerate, generates in a sustainable way economic, social and productive benefits and contributes to the development of the capital market.

Our values

  • Professional Responsibility

    Professional responsibility is closely linked to the vocation of service in the performance of our activity, to the confidentiality in our actions and to the involvement with the project we develop, applying the best practices within the regulatory framework and pursuant to the requests of each of our clients.

  • Iniciativa y Trabajo en Equipo

    We believe in proactivity as a driver of change, of innovative proposals and improvement of the experience we provide to our clients, addressing challenges with team spirit, collaboration and empathy.

  • Efficiency and Continuous Improvement

    We are committed to efficiency and continuous improvement in all actions, seeking to offer an optimal quality of service to our clients, developing products and services that respond to their needs.

  • Transparency and Ethics in Management

    Our actions are characterized by transparency in management and strict compliance with the regulatory framework, internal policies and procedures, and our Code of Ethics. These factors are the basis of the credibility of our activity.

  • Sustainable Behaviour

    In the definition and development of our business and operations we incorporate social and environmental aspects, as well as the best corporate governance practices, seeking to act responsibly in our community.

Board of directors

Management Team

Supervisory committee

Code of Ethics and Best Practices

Risk Rating Agency

Since 2016 República AFISA has had Operational Risk Ratings undertaken by Fix Scr Uruguay - Calificadora de Riesgo S.A.

Its rating is 1FD(uy).  This rating corresponds to  the maximum score.

"“The institution rated at this level demonstrates the highest levels of ability and performance in most aspects evaluated. Its organization, technology, as well as its operation, communication and control systems are of the highest quality."

Memoria y Estados Financieros

Banco República Group