

Citrícola Salteña S.A., Nolir S.A., Múltiple S.A. and República Administradora de Fondos de Inversión S.A. constituted the "CITRÍCOLA FINANCIAL TRUST"

On March 24, 2021, Citrícola Salteña S.A., Nolir S.A., Múltiple S.A. and República AFISA, in their capacity as Trustee, created a Private Offering trust called “CITRÍCOLA FINANCIAL TRUST”.

The purpose of the same is to obtain financing to make available to the Citrícola Salteña S.A Syndicate the funds necessary to carry out the development of the citrus activity of the 2021 harvest.

República AFISA will manage the placement in a private offer mode of Debt Securities to be issued in favor of the Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay (BROU) for a maximum capital amount of UI 29.4 million.

The support for the repayment of the financing is the assignment of the credit rights that the Settlors have or may have against their Clients for the sale of fruit and all income of funds that occurs from the 2021 harvest, up to the amount necessary for the Cancellation of the Debt Securities, interests and expenses of the Trust.

NOTE: This information does not imply an offer of securities or an invitation to purchase them, the Trustee is prevented from making a public offering of this Trust, which is a private offering and is not registered in the Securities Market Registry.